When you are fading away in my world...

Missing you at a night like this. I recall of the night when electric cut and we only lid the candle. It happen quite often when I was small, I got stormed up every time cos' I hate the hot, I hate to miss my favorite TV show, I hate of the darkness!

At present, we are less likely to get electric cut. Even when it would happen, maybe once in a few years, like last time, I tried to look for the long lost feeling, but there were none. Thing changed. And I know what went wrong. And I finally realized how much I miss my grandparent. They brought me up, they were like my parent and I spent most of my time with them, until each of them eventually gone.

I'm not that strong to handle thing on my own, I'm not that strong to hold my tear when I'm thinking of you, I'm not that strong pretending I'm capable for everything. But I must to. After all, I'm just a 22 year old guy, I'm fear of the loneliness too, especially at night, when I'm all alone.

People comes and goes, I'll be gone too, one day. When the day comes, we can finally see each other again. I miss you Ah Gong, Ah Mar...


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