Turn me on!

.... then I get in there, turn on the air conditioner and do I mention I prefer to have night over day... when there is less noise and dark. The condition is just right, my blood flow all over my body, my heart gets pumping, then, I reached at you, looking for the right spot with my hand and finger. I can't control my breath but I still running my hands on you until you moan?!!! Err... sorry I mean got you tuned to the right frequency.

I'm talking about tuning to my favorite radio station in my car la! Sorry if I have created HARDSHIP to you.

Back to Radio, What are you listen to when you are driving? Do you prefer CDs or radio?

Personally, I use to listen to radio, and Fly fm is my favorite number 1 so far. Hitz fm used to be in my list but why I dumped it out? Firstly, do you have the same complaint as me, Hitz fm is always having poor reception in Penang, I don't know what went wrong, me or the radio station itself. Secondly, I can only switch to it morning show but not the rest of others, their morning show is interesting and funny. On the other hand, Fly fm's pagi show is getting more audiences and probably will stand up against Hitz fm in near future.

There are 2 others english radio station, Mix and Lingt&Easy. I don't listen much in car cos' I'm not the chill-out-driver, and certainly not my driving genre so I can't give any comment. They are better to be my good night company.

Chinese radio station like My fm, 988 and 1 fm are OK, no comment cos' I won't tune to them. I listened to them once before and I found out they are less interesting compared to english radio, well, I'm talking about my personal thought.

So people, what FM makes you wet...the most?

 I'm Fly Fm Maniac


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