I'm so Prison Break-li-cious now

Cos I'm sticking back with the world most killing tv drama- Prison Break, but sadly still on season 3 after so long =(

OK, like usual, I was captivated into it again, I could watch for 2 episodes consecutively without going to toilet or pick up drink in kitchen. After all,  that's  the only 2 little golden hours of the entire day, so, gimme a break peeps!

So last night, I barely got my heart stop running (exaggerate hor.. ), Micheal and the team finally made it to Scylla, if you could understand how they are going to break in to the world most forbidding, sternest security room (of course, the bad people kept all the secrets here) without making any noise to dig the concrete walls, cut a hole on the 5' glass. If they made 1 deadly mistake, the alarm will be alerted, this mean the mission fails and they are sending themselves to the hell. Full 30 minutes of non stop rapid heart beating moment, it is so impressed me and many of you, I believe.

Talk a bit about Michael's girl friend, Sarah has changed to a tough and brave woman, I like her characteristic compared to previous seasons, and Gretzen (am i spell it right?), the lady killer. After so long of genius break in and fighting, I thought it is finally comes to an end and they are going to have new challenge of their life. From the initial stage, I was not completely counting on the CIA Agent, Don Self, and without suspect, he is one of the most "busuk-est" (it means stingy) asshole! He helps Micheal and the team for the mission in order to vanish the bad record Michael and others already had and promised to bring them a new clean identity but when they finally accomplished the mission, he lost the promises and he even killed his partner, the lady agent who works closely to him, WTMF!!!

The episode i will be with by tonight will be a new chapter which i think Michael will go after Don Self for the revenge, i personally think Don Self is not going to survive long in the upcoming chapter but I would like to find out. I hope he DIES.

It's lunch time now, will update again tomorrow.


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